Bellarouge Dogue de Bordeaux

French NE 2008

Photo Album below.
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On the 13th and 14th of September 2008, the French Clubmatch was held at the property of kennel De L’Etang De Mirloup, in the town of Plerguer, about 30 mins from the coastal town of St Malo, and about 4.5 hours out of central Paris.

There were 303 entries from 167 exhibitors from 17 different countries. Judges included Mr Raymond Triquet, Mr J Milleman, Mme C Lafay, Mme S Tompousky, Mr J Sanchez-Pardo, B Thevenon and V Pressiat.

I flew from Sydney to Dubai, and then Dubai to Paris. I arrived a couple of days before the show, so this time was able to do a few visits. I met friends from Queensland Australia and the USA, and we all drove to St Malo together.

The Saturday judging was the young dogue classes and the TAN tests. Plus many exhibitors did their check-in, measuring and weighing on the Saturday. I spent the day wandering around taking video and photos, even when the down pour of rain started ! The rings were still being judged even in the rain, and while everyone else was in the shelter of the tents and marquees, I thought to myself “I haven’t come all this way to miss out due to rain”. So I put on my plastic “poncho” raincoat and took my souvineer “Paris” umbrella and went on my merry way, sloshing about in the rain and mud with my video camera. I would say that everyone else thought I was stupid!

There was a lot of rain and by the end of the day, the whole property was a slippery mud puddle.

Saturday night we all attended the official SADB Club dinner, which was a lot of fun and the food was better than we expected. There was also lots of Apple Cider flowing, along with red and white wine.

Sunday was the main day, with the remainder of the classes being judged and then the Ring D’Honneur.

The Open Male was the largest class, having 44 Entries. The judging started about 9am and was still going at 2:30 in the afternoon ! It was a massive ring and a huge amount of dogues.

So as per the usual format, the individual class judges chose 4 dogues from each class to enter the Ring D’Honneur at the end of the day, and then all the judges collaborated to award places 1-4 in each class, and then finally the best female, best male and Best in Show.

Yes, there was controversy at the show. The SADB committee wanted the Champion Male and Champion Female classes rejudged in the Ring D’Honneur. They wanted to see all the entries and judge them all as a group.

Ofcourse for me, the highlight was seeing Enferno win Best in Show !! His brother Dillen, was also placed 2nd to Enferno in the Champion Male class. A real triumph for Enferno and Dillens breeder, Bart de Croo from Van de Paterhoek Kennels, and for Becky and Nik of Emberez who are the co-owners of Enferno but also their male, Emberez Apollo sired both Enferno and Dillen.

Other memorable moments for me were seeing Dillen and Andorra, parents to Gandalf, who is the father of my new male, Nate. It was also great to see Vachette de la Tour Gelee, who’s sister Vendetta is Nates grandmother.

It is always a pleasure to see Renais, Romans sister, who is just so impressive!! And Tito had really matured from last year, sadly while he did not make the Ring D’Honneur, he did make the cut to the final 6 in the Open Male class from 44 males, just incredible.

The day after the show we returned to Paris, and the following day I flew out to the Czech Republic to visit my new youngsters, Lois and Nate, at Libuse’s property, Kennel Z’Orisku. I was able to see Lois and Nate, and their Mothers, Jemini and Amys, and all of Libuse’s other beautiful dogues.

I thank everyone who made us feel so welcome and we had a great time, no doubt will do it again in 2009 !!

I have listed the results below and added photos. I hope this has been an interesting read.

Baby Puppy (3-6m) Males :
1. DUKE UDSON de la Demeure Combréenne

Baby Puppy (3-6m) Females:
1. DOUX DIMANCHE Estruphus – Best Baby Puppy

Puppy Males :
1. CAIUS CYRACUS des Pas de Tacite
2. CAIUS BONUS des Pas de Tacite

Puppy Females:
1. FRENCH CONNECT Rozeldogue – Best Puppy

Debutant Male:
1. CARUSO du Regard de Breizh
2. COMMODORE des Gladiateurs du Guesny
3. CARADOC du Regard de Breizh

Debutant Female:
1. GLORIA van de Paterhoek – Best Debutant
2. CERIDWENN du Regard de Breizh
3. CULLIGAN du Regard de Breizh
4. GAGEURE du Joli Bief

Junior Male:
1. Northland’s FINN – Best Junior
2. CAPONE de Legeane
3. CERBERE d’Escaluganto Nikita

Junior Female :
1. ELEANOR Lacrima Heliandum
2. Topfield AFRICA QUEEN
3. Northland’s MOLLY
4. Chien Douceur CARLINE

Intermediate Male:
1. CACS Tanakajd Szepe ALDO
2. RCACS GOLIAT del Dominio de los Penates
3. BUELL vd Madroellhoeve
4. BOGA du Clos des Darbounelles

Intermediate Female:
1. CACS JILL from Frisian South East - Best Female
2. Tanakajd Szepe GINEVER
3. BALBINA BOSS Vita Rubra
4. BROOK des Mille Diables

Open Male:
1. BALROG de La Tour Gelée
2. BUTCHER de La Tour Gelée
3. BOCACCIO ROY de l’Etang de Mirloup
4. BIDULE ROY de l’Etang de Mirloup

Open Female:
1. RCACS SAGA de Legeane
2. BENKA de l’Etang de Mirloup
3. Tiawnee FOR GET ME NOT
4. LAILA z Vlckovskeho Mlyna

Veteran Male:
1. PRIAM de la Nouvelle Envolée

Veteran Female :
1. REBELLE du Domaine de Chassefaim
2. R’KIARA de l’Etang sur la Touze

Senior Male:
1. DESMO From Frisian South East
2. Belburgos HERKULES

Senior Female:
1. ANDORRA aus dem Hause Ketosch
2. TINY SEVERINE de La Tour Gelée
3. QUINCY From Frisian South East
4. SARLOTTE de l’Etang de Mirloup

Champion Male:
1. ENFERNO van de Paterhoek - Best Male & Best In Show
2. DILLEN van de Paterhoek
3. AMOS - Champion du Club
4. JACQUES vom Butjadinger Land

Champion Female:
1. FIONA z Vlckovskeho Mlyna - Championne du Club
2. CASEY The Rumblin Red
3. CAPRICE From Frisian South East
4. VACHETTE de La Tour Gelée

Breeders Group:
1. L’Etang de Mirloup
2. De la Tour Gelée
3. Frisian South East
4. De Alfarée


Contact Details

Leanne Miller
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Phone : +61415275279
Email : [email protected]